Lincoln Christian Fellowship

Hey Church Family

Hey Church family,

Thanks so much for praying for our family, your continued prayers for Scout Fleming, and for the many others in our fellowship and beyond that are sick, recovering, or struggling in other ways.

My family, including me, will not be at LCF tomorrow due to sickness. We are improving, thank God! Bob Leighton will be teaching at tomorrow morning's service.

We are going to postpone the CM meeting that was supposed to be after church tomorrow. There are just too many people sick. Please understand the freedom and grace we have in Jesus to stay home and rest if you - or anyone in your family - is still struggling or symptomatic.

My hope is that we can accomplish some cleaning/sanitizing/disinfecting at church this week (any volunteers? Contact my wife, Jess!) I am looking forward to the amazing time we will have next sunday worshipping our Redeemer together!

- Sam and Jess

Come and Visit!

We are located in South Lincoln, two lots past Lloyd's store on the same side of the road, in a big tan building.

689 West Broadway
Lincoln, ME 04457

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