Online Services
Hey church family,
After much prayer, and with the council of our Board of Elders, I wanted to let you know that we will be having an ONLINE SERVICE ONLY this Sunday, 11/29, at 10 AM via Facebook Live. The service will also be available in an audio format from our church website a few hours later (
We have made this decision in order to "reset" as a church due to associated COVID-19 cases within our church body. Yes, that is intentionally vague. Here's what I can say: no one who has attended LCF over the past two weeks has been in close contact to a positive case. We're simply being proactive here.
This decision is not being made fearfully. We don't want to react with hyped-up hysteria, but respond with good common sense. We intend to resume gathering in person for our midweek service next Thursday, December 3rd at 6 PM.
I will give a more detailed update this Sunday morning, so tune in and then keep watching, that we might fellowship together around the Word of God, our steadfast anchor in uncertain times.
If you have questions, please call the church at 207-794-4679.
- Pastor Sam