Lincoln Christian Fellowship

Worship at the Well

Hey church family,

I wanted to remind everyone of our worship night coming up - we will be getting together for "Worship at the Well" Friday, December 21, at 6:30. This will be in lieu of our weekly recovery meeting. The nursery will be open, but the service is open to all ages.

If you can, come early at 5:30 and share dinner (hamburgers and hotdogs, drinks, etc) with us. Please be our guest - you don't need to bring anything!

Also, we will be having our Christmas Eve service Monday, December 24 at 6:00 PM. This short service is specifically geared toward kids - there will be a few songs, a story about Jesus, and refreshments.

Hope to see you there!

- Sam

Come and Visit!

We are located in South Lincoln, two lots past Lloyd's store on the same side of the road, in a big tan building.

689 West Broadway
Lincoln, ME 04457

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